In response to current circumstances this year, we are changing our banquet to an online format. We look forward to gathering together in person in the future.
We still need your help as hosts to encourage your friends and family to tune in. We will be updating this blog as the date gets closer.
#1 Be a Virtual Host
- Date: Thursday, October 17, 2020 7pm
- Your role as a Virtual Host is to introduce people within your circle of influence to get involved and support Foothold International.
- Because this will be online, the location is flexible.
- If this date and time does not work for you and your friends, we have a plan for alternative dates-times, so let us know as soon as possible.
- When planning, please consider CDC guidelines as they are updated frequently.
#2 Technology
- We are still planning our mode of technology and will update you as soon as we have it finalized. If you need any help and would like for us to meet with you or come to your home for a trial run, we are more than happy to do so.
- We will be holding a Supporter’s Update Event 4 weeks prior which is a good time to hear updates on the ministry, but also to test run the technology prior to the event.
#3 Invite
- It’s best to invite via personal contact: right now by phone call is safest. (Other mediums such as text, email or Facebook are good for reminders).
- Invitations are also included in the packet if you would like to mail invitations.
- Be strategic–Consider those who may become:
- financial supporters
- prayer warriors
- people who may have ministry connections
#4 Complete Table Guest information form
Form can be emailed to you (link will be available here for an online version)
#5 Remind & Confirm Guests
- Remind them a few days before
- If you have cancellations, please invite others to join if possible and encourage them to login from another location. We will be recording the event, so as the date gets closer, we will have information on how to access the recording.
- Consider using multiple mediums (email, phone call, personal contact, Facebook, Instagram, text…) to remind & confirm they will attend.