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Cherie Climbs Kilimanjaro for Clean Water

By July 5, 2021March 6th, 2022Going to Kenya, Uncategorized, Updates

I will be climbing Kilimanjaro September 18, 2021 along with Chelsey Bolles and Kalyn McGraw.  The three of us have paid for our travel and climb expenses, but we’re seeking donations through our climb to fund the drilling of two wells in Kenya where Foothold International works.

We hope to raise awareness about the global water crisis and encourage people in the US and around the world to become engaged in sustainable solutions to the water crisis.

I always said when I climb Kilimanjaro, I would tell no one because no matter how much a person trains, no one knows for sure until summit day how your body will handle 19,341 feet! And I could not handle that much pressure.

So, why am I am announcing it to you? In spite of my fear of failure and the added pressure of disclosure, I am climbing the mountain to raise money for clean water.

Foothold International has identified two areas in desperate need of safe, reliable, clean drinking water.

We know clean water saves lives. We have witnessed first-hand the tragic outcomes that water-borne diseases have on babies, the elderly and those who are HIV positive. In addition, many young women are forced to drop out of school and endure dangerous conditions to fetch water for their families, water that is all too often contaminated.

There are so many water-related stories we can tell and plan to share leading up to our climb, we hope you will follow our journey on Facebook and Instagram because we need you to help us.  You can join us on this climb, encourage us, donate to our fundraiser, start your own fundraising team. There are many ways for you to get involved without ever stepping onto an airplane.

I (Cherie) will be leaving for Kenya, August 6 and spending that time prior to the climb doing the work of Foothold, meeting with our staff, developing our strategy for the next year, visiting and evaluating the work on the ground.

In mid-September, Chelsey & Kalyn will meet me in Nairobi and we will start our journey shortly after.

I have created a Facebook group where you can follow my progress leading up to the trip, and I hope to post updates during the climb on Instagram.  You can follow our journey in both places.

If you visit my Facebook group, you will find lots of content designed to be shared on social media and to encourage you to encourage us!  I will be updated that Facebook page with trivia, facts about the climb, tips for prepping for a climb, etc.

I am incredibly excited and nervous about this trip.  It is coming up very soon, and I couldn’t be more humbled by all of your help.